And-AND-while in dim light or darkness they can take the Hide action as a bonus action, giving them a good chance to attack with advantage every round. Oh, and if that’s not enough, they also have resistance to most forms of damage. These guys are nasty! Weighing in at only challenge rating ½, they can reduce a PC’s strength by up to 4 each time they hit, and if their strength is reduced to zero, they die. You really do just want to challenge them, and if something horrible does happen from time to time, well that’s part of the game. In all seriousness, I actually don’t advise DMs to go all kill happy on PCs because that’s usually not fun for players. And do be careful with them, because these monsters ARE really nasty. Use these monsters to CHALLENGE your players.
Oh, yeah, you know we probably shouldn’t condone violence here, even though this is Dungeons & Dragons and 90% of the rules deal with how to inflict bodily harm on others-but let’s just revise that statement. Today in the Lair, we’re going to be talking about the top ten nastiest low-level D&D monsters that dungeon masters can use to murder their players’ characters with and my tips for using them.
If you prefer to watch (or listen) to the video version of this article, you can do so here: Top 10 Nastiest Low-Level D&D Monsters.